2016 Paper Publications
English Journal Publications:
Amstad, Marlene , Remolona, Eli, Shek, Jimmy, "How do global investors differentiate between sovereign risks? The new normal versus the old", Journal of International Money and Finance, Vol. 66 (C), pp 32-48, 2016
Andrew Chan; Howard Lam; Hugh Thomas; Elsie Tsui, "Hung Fook Tong: From Hong Kong to China ", Harvard Business Publishing Education, 2016
Bohui Zhang with Lilian Ng, Fei Wu, and Jing Yu, "Foreign Investor Heterogeneity and Stock Liquidity Across the World", Review of Finance, 2016
Dan Li, Rebel Cole and Douglas Cumming, "Do Banks or VCs Spur Growth?", Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 2016
Hugh Thomas, Joyce Wang and Yuhui Wu, "Dividend Policy at Fuyao Glass", Harvard Business Publishing Education, 2016
Hugh Thomas; Shigefumi Makino; KA Wai Boby Shiu, "Asia Pulp & Paper: Implementing the Forest Conservation Policy ", Harvard Business Publishing Education, 2016
Huihua Xie with Yi Lu, Colin Xu, "Telecommunications Externality on Migration: Evidence from Chinese Villages", China Economic Review, 2016
Jian Shen, Huanxing Yang and Lixin Ye, "Competitive Nonlinear Pricing and Contract Variety", Journal of Industrial Economics, 2016
Jie Zhang, Feng Liu and Peng Xu, "One-child policy and childhood obesity", China Economic Review, 2016
Jinfan Zhang, Tao Sun and Min Liao, "Financial Landscape, Risks and Institutional Arrangements for Financial Stability in China", IMF Policy Paper, 2016
Lin, B., Mainemelis, C., Kark, R., "Leaders' Responses to Creative Deviance: Differential Effects on Subsequent Creative Deviance and Creative Performance", Leadership Quarterly, Vol. 27(4), pp 537-556, 2016
Lin, Bilian, Chen, X. P. and Zhu, X., "Consistent or inconsistent acts after doing good deeds? A preliminary test of moral elasticity", Academy of Management Proceedings, 2016
Ming Ming Chiu, Sung Wook Joh, and Lawrence Khoo, "The Effects of School Closure Threats on Student Performance: Evidence from a Natural Experiment", The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Vol.16(4), 2016
Marlene Amstad, Steven Kong, Frank Packer and Eli Remolona, "A spare tire for capital markets: Fostering corporate bond markets in Asia", BIS Papers, Vol.85, 2016
Sanxi Li, Martin Peitz, and Xiaojian Zhao, "Information Disclosure and Consumer Awareness", Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2016
S. Cheng, K.Z. Lin, and W. Wong, "Corporate social responsibility reporting and firm performance: evidence from China", Journal of Management & Governance, 2016
Yangbo Song, "Social Learning with Endogenous Observation", Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 166(11), pp 324-333, 2016
Yu, G., Fu, P. P., Qu, Q., Liu, J., & Sun, C., "Chinese life values: A revised indigenous instrument and Chinese values theory (in Chinese)", Nankai Business Review, 2016
Shang, W., A. Ha, and S. Tong, "Information Sharing in a Supply Chain with a Common Retailer", Management Science, Vol. 62(1), 2016
Zhang, J., Law, K. S., & Lin, B., "You Think You Are Big Fish in A Small Pond? Perceive Overqualification, Goal Orientations, and Proactivity at Work", Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol. 37(1), pp 61-84, 2016