Andy C. NIU and Christine M.K. Chan, "Reconsidering Subnational Variations: Integration of Regionalization and Institutional Perspectives", Academy of Management Proceedings, 2017
Andy C. NIU, Christine M.K. Chan, "Does It Matter Where Subnational Regions Are? Within-and between- Subnational-Cluster Differences in Institutional Environments and Foreign Affiliate Performance", Academy of International Business Proceedings, 2017
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Junyan Shen, Jiangeng Yu, and Shen Zhao, "Investor sentiment and economic forces", Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol 86, pp 1-27., 2017
Kai-Wen Cheng, Feng Liu, MariaElena Gonzalez and Stanton Glantz, "Effects of Workplace Clean Indoor Air Laws on Smoking-Related Outcomes", Health Economics, Vol. 26(2), pp 226–242, 2017
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Lin Bilian, "Getting to the Bottom: How Attribution Tunes the Positive and Negative Outcomes of Underemployment", Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 2017
Lixin Ye and Chenglin Zhang, "Monopolistic Nonlinear Pricing with Consumer Entry", Theoretical Economics, 2017
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Marlene Amstad, Robert Rich and Simon Potter, "Measuring Trend Inflation with the Underlying Inflation Gauge", Liberty Street Economics, 2017
Marlene Amstad and Frank Packer, "Sovereign ratings after the crisis: methodologies revised", Global Public Investor, 2017
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Stella L.M. So and Oliver, H. M. Yau, "The Impact of Face Orientation on Western Brand Purchase: A Comparison between Consumers of Hong Kong and Mainland China", Oxford Business & Economics Conference, Oxford, UK, 2017
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Wei XIONG, Chunxin Jia and Yaping Wang, "Market Segmentation and Differential Reactions of Local and Foreign Investors to Analyst Recommendations", Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 30, pp 2972-3008, 2017
Wei XIONG and Matthew Baron, "Credit Expansion and Neglected Crash Risk", Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 132, pp 713-764, 2017
Wei XIONG, Markus Brunnermeier and Michael Sockin, "China's Gradualistic Economic Approach and Financial Markets", American Economic Review Papers & Proceedings, 2017
Xiaoqiao Wang and Zhiqi Chen, "Specific Investment and Supplier Vulnerability", Economics Letters, 2017
Yangbo Song with Yuchen Lin and Jinsong Tan, "The governance role of institutional investors in information disclosure: Evidence from institutional investors' corporate visits", Nankai Business Review International, Vol. 8(3), pp 304-323, 2017
Yang, D., Sun, C., Zhu, X., & Fu, P. P., "Get resources from work and engage in voice: How and why P-E fit affects voice behavior", Academy of Management Proceedings, 2017